Friday, November 17, 2017

September 1, 2016
The day my mother called and asked me to set up a conference call later in the evening so she could talk to my sister and I together.

"The doctor says I have dementia, and that he's pretty sure it's Alzheimer's."

So we talked. And nothing changed, and everything changed.

It's not like we didn't see it coming; forgotten bills, medication not taken, repeated questions that made us feel like her short term memory wasn't as sharp as it once was; even so, nothing prepares you.

This is meant primarily to be therapeutic for me; if it helps someone else then that's just a bonus.

I'll share about the progression of the disease, and how we cope. I'll also share how we got here.

When my dad died it was 13 days after being admitted to the hospital. It was as quick as it was unexpected. With Alzheimer's it is Death by a Thousand Cuts - losing her a little every day, and watching her frustration with it.